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The Pastor of Perry Chapel C.M.E. Diboll, Texas, Rev. O'Keith Williams, is just a plain,ordinary person chosen to be a vessel to carry out the work of God. As a child, at the age of eight, he spoke at the small country churches, in small towns, from city to city, sate to state spreading God's word.  His ministry started at the Metropolitan C.M. E. church in Houston, Texas.  He transferred his membership to BeeBe Tabernacle after marrying Lady Dawn Lewis Williams.  There he served as a Local Preacher.  Later, he transferred his membership back to Metropolitan where he served as a Local Deacon, and Youth Pastor.  Today, he is the Senior Pastor of Perry Chapel C.M.E., Diboll, Texas. The family consist of two boys, Kristian age 5, and Kaleb age 2. Since the arrival of Pastor Keith, Diboll has become active in the Houston District Ministerial Alliance where Pastor Keith serves as financial secretary, and First Lady Dawn serves as Vice President of the Houston District Ministers' Spouses. Pastor Keith holds a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from Columbia Southern University where he is presently pursuing a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership. Pastor Keith is a warm, friendly, spirit filled vessel of God.....He loves people...and  carrying out his God given responsibilites.




...a good God. The nations are His dwelling and our lives are His vessels. We minister to the abased and the exalted. We have compassion for the poor. Our hearts are open to the rich. We believe God wants to prosper those who believe and are generous for His purpose.



...check our brains at the door, but we have rejected cynicism and skepticism. We aren't too deep, so as to keep you from finding the bottom, nor are we intellectual snobs. We talk about things that matter to people: their doubts, fears, longings, families, relationships, goals, careers, failures, and successes.

Don't Do It Without Me -
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